We are a group of volunteers who love Allesley Park because it has the best landscape in Coventry and because its history extends back more than 750 years. In 2007 we decided to something about it by forming The Friends of Allesley Park as an informal group that helps the council to look after and improve the park for the benefit of all the people of Coventry.
The Friends meet every Tuesday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm to tend several gardens and wildlife sites that we have created around the park. You can usually find us at the walled garden or near the crazy golf course. We give a warm welcome to older volunteers from every part of the community, with each Friend contributing whatever he or she enjoys doing. Those of us who are no longer very active or don’t live nearby can still make a contribution.
In 2018 we will become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) this will enable us to continue our work into the future and apply for small grants to further our projects.